Create a ServiceTrade to Airtable integration with Workload.
Automate your ServiceTrade work. Create your own custom ServiceTrade and Airtable integration in minutes.

Make your life easier with your own integration between ServiceTrade and Airtable
Using the power of no-code technology, Workload lets you automate workflows between ServiceTrade and Airtable.
Plans start at $9/mo and scale with your usage. Receive expert guidance and onboarding to build your perfect workflow. Automate your business.
How to Integrate ServiceTrade with Airtable in just a few clicks
- ✅ Authenticate ServiceTrade and Airtable
- ✅ Select a trigger that will kickoff the workflow
- ✅ Choose the action you want to complete
- ✅ Map the data fields you want to pass from one app to the other
- ✅ If you get stuck, we’re here to help! Request help in our expert automator service market.
What is ServiceTrade?
ServiceTrade streamlines operations with work order management and scheduling, and our web and mobile apps convert service delivery into digital marketing impressions that are memorable and helpful to customers.
What is Airtable?
Airtable is the all-in-one collaboration platform that combines the flexibility of a spreadsheet interface with rich features like file attachments, kanban card stacks, calendars, and reporting.
What users say about Workload
I love the efficiency we gained by automating workflows with ServiceTrade and Aitable. We really do some cool analysis and keep better track of profit/loss without having to re-enter data.