Integrate Salesforce with Slack in a few clicks with Workload.
Automate your Salesforce tasks. Create your own custom Salesforce and Slack integration in minutes.

Make your life easier with your own integration between Salesforce and Slack
Using the power of no-code technology, Workload lets you automate workflows between Salesforce and Slack.
Plans start at $9/mo and scale with your usage. Receive expert guidance and onboarding to build your perfect workflow. Automate your business.
How to Integrate Salesforce with Slack in just a few clicks
- ✅ Authenticate Salesforce and Slack
- ✅ Select a trigger that will kickoff the workflow
- ✅ Choose the action you want to complete
- ✅ Map the data fields you want to pass from one app to the other
- ✅ If you get stuck, we’re here to help! Request help in our expert automator service market.
What is Salesforce?
From initial bidding to project management, Sales Cloud empowers construction businesses to easily manage relationships with prospects, clients, suppliers, and partners. Win more bids and minimize change requests with a customizable CRM platform that allows you to reduce busy work, continually optimize project schedule and budget, and make decisions based on real-time data.
What is Slack?
Slack is where unified communication happens. When your team needs to kick off a project, hire a new employee, deploy some code, review a sales contract, finalize next year’s budget, measure an A/B test, plan your next office opening, and more, Slack has you covered.
What users say about Workload
With Workload, our team has the ability to create message bots so when something happens to one of their accounts, they are updated immediately in Slack. Timely response to customers is what keeps our business moving forward.